Thursday, August 19, 2010

nutrition project - Isagenix (Final - week 3)

The final week on Isagenix was by far the easiest. I got used to drinking a lot more water, gravitated toward fruits and vegetables, craved the green 'yucky' juice, and my mind was very clear. Though I was not looking to lose weight, I lost two pounds and my muscles got more defined. There was a day during a training hike (in preparation for Mt. Whitney) that I got a terrible headache from the very start that ended with me running out of the car to puke. Not sure what happened - I can only conclude that I wasn't getting enough calories and my body just shut down.

Though I'm now not officially on The Cleanse, I still do the morning shake (it tastes good and gives me a ton a protein and two servings of fruit) and the greens. I am drinking more water these days and drinking less alcohol simply by choice. Actually dumped the rest of my wine tonight...just didn't taste the same.

I wanted to see how it would affect my performance and minus the stint on the hike, my performance is solid. My running is faster and the classes I teach are more intense.

Next steps.. research a maintenance phase to continue to add B12, protein, and all the super greens. They have an athletes pack that has many of these items.

All in all, I am pleased with how I feel and my mind feels very calm and clear.

Steady mind, strong body! Train smart

Thursday, August 5, 2010

nutrition project - Isagenix (week 2)

I'm wrapping up my second week. After two weeks of a multitude of different nutrients, i must say that I feel wonderful! Here is what the 30-day plan consist of: twice a day protein shake, shot of 'superfood' in the morning/night, Isoflush at night (you can only imagine), and lots of water. The plan is to eat one 'sensible' meal a day but because of my concern to maintain weight, I eat two meals a day in addition to the shakes (and I really like the shakes). The last day of each week is a Cleanse Day where you drink 'Cleanse For Life' concoction four times a day and drink lots of water. Here are some highlights of the last two weeks:

Moods - stable and I feel grateful and peaceful.
Cravings - for awhile I wasn't craving coffee but I can't resist the morning cup of joe. But I don't drink the same amount and I can't do a double espresso anymore. I have so much energy that having too much coffee makes me act like a crazy chipmunk! I do have my beer/wine at night; but like the coffee, don't go for the second one.
Energy - wonderful!

two crazy/weird side affects that i wasn't expecting -
1. complexion - my skin totally broke out after a week like i was a high-school kid. It was so embarrassing. But I held tight and after two weeks, it is totally clearing up.
2. 'that time of the month' - about a week before my period, I get shortness of breath which is an indication of my iron levels dropping. Didn't even phase me this time. I had super mild cramping but that was the extent of my 'PMS'.

More on Cleanse Day next time. It is an interesting experience. So far, I'm very pleased with how I feel.

Drink Water!